Personal Training with me
online, whenever and wherever
you want!

Imagine having your own world-class personal trainer helping you shed fat, strengthen and
tone your muscles, improve your mobility, increase your energy and keep you motivated,
right at your fingertips. The body you’ve always wanted is waiting for you!


One-on-one Personal Training

10K / Per month
  • HIIT intermitent training
  • Strength and conditioning
  • Functional training

Couple Training

10K / Per month for 2 members
  • HIIT intermitent training
  • Strength and conditioning
  • Functional training

Group Training

15K / Per month up to 6 members
  • HIIT intermitent training
  • Strength and conditioning
  • Functional training

Some happy faces

I was overweight and was dealing with some health issues. I had tried various diet programs, lost a few pounds but then regained the weight and got discouraged. Luckily, I found Dr Gagan Jaiswal's FitSciGuru, lost significant weight and has experienced a dramatic life transformation.
Ankit Verma
Followed Scientific diet
I'm still trying, but I'm pushing harder everyday using your training system and scientific approach. Thanks to you, I feel so much better about myself already!"

Neeraj Bhatt
Followed FitSciGuru resistance training plan